
Dällikon, January 2015

Articles of Association Mama Tierra
Association Mama Tierra

1. Name, Legal Status and Seat
Under the name “Mama Tierra”, ” Mama Tierra”, ” Mama Tierra” a non-profit organization with charitable purpose is hereby set up pursuant to Art. 60 ff of the Swiss Civil Code.

1.1 Seat
The Association seat is Baden in canton Aargau, Switzerland. Mama Tierra can operate branches abroad.

2. Purpose
Support indigenous, save mother earth
Mama Tierra supports indigenous, being the indigenous women at core because they bear the greatest responsibility in their community. The women secure the support for the family, raise their children, fight for nature conservation and they are the ones who pass on their culture to the future generation. If the indigenous woman receives support, their whole community and environment benefits. The responsibility remains so in the indigenous community and not with development aid organizations.

The association Mama Tierra believes in the principle of “helping people help themselves” and therefore establishes development cooperation, in which the women are not considered as recipients of assistance, but as equal partners. Mama Tierra procures funds in order to facilitate development assistance to indigenous women. Mama Tierra strives for sustainable development, always in accordance with the wishes and goals of the indigenous communities.

Mama Tierra pursues its purpose by:

• Self-determination: promotion of commercial activities for indigenous women
• Education: access to education for indigenous women and their children
• Environment: raising awareness about climate protection in indigenous areas
• Human rights: disclosure of human rights violations against indigenous peoples
• Culture: promotion and dissemination of indigenous culture
• Humanitarian aid: so that development aid can take place

Mama Tierra may enter into partnerships with organizations at home and abroad and procure funds for these organizations in order to fulfill the purpose of the association.
The Association Mama Tierra is not for profit and is subject to the goal of supporting indigenous women. In order to ensure the Association’s purpose, Mama Tierra can build offices or branches at home and abroad.

3. Agents
3.1. To track the association’s purpose Mama Tierra procures funds from:
• Membership fees, which are defined annually at the General Assembly,
• The sale of products and services,
• Subsidies and legacies,
• Applications for funding to the federal government, municipalities and foundations,
• Donations and grants from individuals and legal entities.

3.2. Explanations
→ The membership fees are set by the General Assembly.
→ Mama Tierra receives no compensation from companies whose business activities have negative consequences for the indigenous people. For example, Mama Tierra will not be accepting any donations from the mining industries.
The Association Mama Tierra is responsible for the efficient and effective use of resources according to the association’s purpose. Mama Tierra is also required to inform the donor at least once a year about the use of their donations.

4. Membership

4.1. Active Member, any natural or legal person at home or abroad that has an interest in the purpose of Mama Tierra.

4.2. Passive Member, any natural or legal person at home or abroad, who pays the membership fee but has no voting rights at the General Assembly.

4.3. The application form to become an Active Member with voting rights must be sent to To become a Passive Member, it is sufficient to pay the membership.

4.4. Membership withdrawal from the association is made effective by sending an e-mail to or by non-payment of the annual membership fee. No claims can be made for payments already made to the association. The membership for natural persons expires by resignation, expulsion or death. For legal entities, by resignation, expulsion or dissolution of the Company.

5. Bodies of the Association
5.1. The General Assembly
5.2. The Board of Directors (The Board)
5.3. The Management
5.4. The Auditors

5.1. The General Assembly
The General Assembly is the supreme body and shall act by a simple majority vote on amendments to the articles of the association, the association’s purpose, the annual fee and the objectives of Mama Tierra.
It is headed by the President. The Board of Directors is responsible for keeping the assembly’s minutes. In the General Assembly each member has a vote. The General Assembly constitutes a quorum whether or not all members are in attendance.
The General Assembly has the following powers and duties:
a) Presentation and approval of the annual financial statement and the annual report
c) Approval of actions by the Association’s organs
d) Setting membership fees
e) Election of the Board of Directors and the Auditors
f) Possible amendments to the Association’s Articles
g) Discussion and resolution on requests from members and the Board of Directors
h) Dissolution of the Association
A member’s request must be submitted to the Board in writing, no later than 8 days before the General Assembly takes place. In a tie, the President shall decide. Statutory amendments require a two-thirds majority. The Dissolution occurs when two-thirds of those present vote in favor.

5.2. The Board of Directors
The Board has all the powers which are not entitled to the General Assembly. It is constituted by all or at least 3 members and constitutes itself. The Board represents the association to the outside and conducts its business as well. The Board members, the President and the CEO are elected by the General Assembly to serve for a 2-year term.

5.3. The Management and Fundraising
Katherine Klemenz-Portmann from Escholzmatt in Baden is the designated Managing Director

5.4. An auditor can be elected

5.5. Signature

The association is legally bound through the joint signatures of the President together with another member of the Board registered in the Commercial Registry.

5.6. Remuneration
Fundamentally, Board members volunteer up to 100 hours. Board members of disadvantaged regions and lowest income groups may be paid reasonable compensation.

6. Liability

6.1. The debts of the association only the Association’s assets shall be liable. Personal liability of the Board of Directors or other members of the association is completely excluded.

6.2. In case of dissolution, the Board of Directors will execute the liquidation. The General Assembly shall decide about the use of the remaining assets. The use of the remaining assets shall conform to the association’s purpose.

Adopted at the founding General Assembly of 1st January 2015 in Zurich.

The founding members:

Lourdes Grollimund (President)
Heliana Grütter (Vice-president) (left in 2017)
Katherine Klemenz-Portmann (CEO) from 2017 Katherine Klemenz

Board of Directors of Mama Tierra:
Alexander Steele, England
Rolf Klemenz, Switzerland
Ana Bertha Machado Uliana, representative of the Wayuu women in Nazareth, Colombia (left in 2015)